"Signal For Help" is a powerful and discreet way in which victims can ask for help safely but bystanders still don't know how to respond. So, we created the text-for-help number 540-540 as a numerical representation of that hand gesture.
If you see the Signal for Help or know someone who may be experiencing gender-based violence, text SIGNAL to 540-540 to know how to respond.
2022 PSA CASE STUDY- Signal For Help Responders
2022 PSA - Signal For Help Responders
2022 Signal for Help OOH + Social

2023 PSA - "Change The Story"
When you know how to respond to the signs of abuse, you can change the story of someone's life.
In 2023 The Canadian Women's Foundation wants more people to learn what gender-based violence looks like and how to prevent someone in an abusive relationship from becoming a sad-day news story - we demonstrated this by dramatized what the outcome of the same situation would be with and without a response.